
In Preparation

  • G. Cocco, J.R. Fonollosa, “On the ensemble-level error exponent distribution in codes for classical-quantum channels”


  1. G. Cocco, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, J. Font-Segura, “A Refinement of Expurgation“, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 8419 – 8422, Dec. 2024 (full text available in link above).
  2. G. Cocco, A. Munari, G. Liva, “Remote Monitoring of Two-State Markov Sources via Random Access Channels: An Information Freshness vs. State Estimation Entropy Perspective“, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 4, pp. 651-666, 2023 (preprint available on ArXiv).
  3. L. Truong, G. Cocco, J. Font Segura, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, “Concentration properties of random codes“, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 7499-7537, Dec. 2023 (preprint available on ArXiv).
  4. G. Cocco, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, J. Font Segura, “Typical error exponents: a dual domain derivation“, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 776-793, Feb. 2023 (preprint available on ArXiv).
  5. M. Krondorf, M. Goblirsch, R. de Gaudenzi, G. Cocco, N. Toptsidis, G. Acar, “Towards the implementation of advanced random access schemes for satellite IoT“, Wiley’s Int’l J. of Satellite Commun. and Networking, Year 2020, Vol. 38, Pages 177–199.
  6. G. Cocco and D. Floreano, “Cross-packet coding for delay-constrained streaming applications“, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.: 23, no. 11, Nov. 2019, pp 1962 – 1966.
  7. E. Recayte and G. Cocco, “Caching in heterogeneous networks with per-file rate constraints“, IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol. 67, no. 2, pp. 1210-1224, Feb. 2019.
  8. G. Cocco, T. de Cola, M. Angelone, Z. Katona and S. Erl, “Radio resource management optimization of flexible satellite payloads for DVB-S2 systems”, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, Year 2018, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 266-280.
  9. G. Cocco, S. Pfletschinger and M. Navarro, “Seek and Decode: random access with physical-Layer network coding and multiuser detection“, Wiley’s Trans. on Emerging Telecommun. Technol., Year 2016, Vol. 28, no. 5, Pages 1-13.
  10. G. Cocco, C. Ibars and N. Alagha, “Cooperative coverage extension in vehicular land mobile satellite networks“, IEEE Trans. on Veh. Technol., Year 2016, Vol. 65, no. 8, Pages 5995-6009.
  11. G. Cocco, D. Gündüz and C. Ibars, “Throughput and delay analysis in video streaming over blockfading channels“, IEEE Trans. on Commun., Year 2015, Vol. 63, no. 12, Pages 5206–5217.
  12. G. Cocco, M. Angelone and A.I. Pérez-Néira, “Co-channel interference cancellation at the user terminal in multibeam satellite systems“, Wiley’s Int’l J. of Satellite Commun. and Networking, Vol. 35, no. 1, Dec. 2015.
  13. G. Cocco, N. Alagha, C. Ibars and S. Cioni, “Network-coded diversity protocol for collision recovery in slotted ALOHA networks“, Wiley’s Int’l J. of Satellite Commun. and Networking, Vol. 32, no. 3, May/June 2014, Pages: 225–241. Invited paper.
  14. G. Cocco, D. Gündüz and C. Ibars, “Streaming transmitter over block fading channels with delay constraint“, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., Year: 2013, Vol. 12, no. 9, Pages 4315–4327.
  15. G. Cocco, S. Pfletschinger, M. Navarro and C. Ibars, “Opportunistic adaptive transmission for network coding using nonbinary LDPC codes“, EURASIP J. on Wireless Commun. and Networking, July 2010.


  1. H. Asgari, A. Munari, G. Liva and G. Cocco, “Remote Monitoring of Two-State Markov Sources in Random Access Channels: Joint Model and State Estimation”, IEEE International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC), March 10-13, 2025, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  2. A. Munari, G. Cocco, G. Liva, “Remote Monitoring of Markov Sources over Random Access Channels: false Alarm and Detection Probability“, IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Oct. 29th – Nov 1st, 2023, Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds Pacific Grove, California, U.S.A.
  3. G. Cocco, A. Munari, G. Liva, “State Estimation Entropy for Two-State Markov Sources in Slotted ALOHA Random Access Channels“, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), April 23-28 2023, Saint-Malo, France.
  4. L.V. Truong, J. Font Segura, G. Cocco, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, “Convergence in Distribution of the Error Exponent of Random Codes at Zero Rate“, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), November 1-9 2022, Mumbai, India.
  5. G. Cocco, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, J. Font Segura, “Typical Random Coding Exponent for Finite-State Channels“, IEEE Int. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), June 26-July 1 2022, Aalto University (Espoo), Finland.
  6. L. Truog, G. Cocco, A. Guillén-i-Fàbregas and J. Font-Segura, “Concentration of Random-Coding Error Exponents“, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 17-21 October 2021, Kanazawa, Japan.
  7. G. Cocco, A. Guillén i Fàbregas, J. Font Segura, “A Dual-Domain Achievability of the Typical Error Exponent“, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 12–20 July 2021, Melbourne, Australia.
  8. V. Delafontaine, F. Schiano, G. Cocco, A. Rusu and D. Floreano, “Drone-aided Localization in LoRa IoT Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May-Aug. 2020, Paris, France.
  9. G. Cocco and L. Toni, “Streaming from a Moving Platform with Real-Time and Playback Distortion Constraints,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Shanghai, China, May 20-24, 2019.
  10. E. Recayte, G. Cocco and A. Vanelli-Coralli, “Caching in Gaussian interference channel with QoS constraints,” Int’l Conf. on Commun. (ICC), May 2017, Paris, France.
  11. G. Cocco, T. de Cola, M. Angelone and Z. Katona, “Radio resource management strategies for DVB-S2 systems operated with flexible satellite payloads“, IEEE Advanced Satellite Multimedia Syst. Conf. (ASMS), 5-7 Sep. 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  12. G. Cocco, T. de Cola and M. Berioli, “Performance analysis of queueing systems with systematic packet-level coding“, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Commun. (ICC), 8-12 June 2015, London (U.K.).
  13. B. Makki, T. Svensson, G. Cocco, T. de Cola and S. Erl, “On the throughput of the return-link multi-beam satellite systems using genetic algorithm-based schedulers”, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Commun. (ICC), 8-12 June 2015, London (U.K.).
  14. S. Pfletschinger, M. Navarro and G. Cocco, “Interference cancellation and joint decoding for collision resolution in slotted ALOHA“, Int’l Symp. on Network Coding (NetCod), 27-28 June 2014, Aalborg (Denmark).
  15. G. Cocco, M. Angelone and A.I. Perez-Neira, “Co-channel interference cancellation at the user terminal in multibeam satellite systems“, IEEE Advanced Satellite Multimedia Syst. Conf. and Signal Processing for Space Commun. Workshop (ASMS/SPSC), 8-10 Sep. 2014, Livorno (Italy). Invited paper.
  16. G. Cocco and S. Pfletschinger, “Seek and decode: Random multiple access with multiuser detection and physical-layer network coding“, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Comm. (ICC), Workshops, 10-14 June 2014, Sydney (Australia).
  17. G. Cocco, D. Gündüz and C. Ibars, “Throughput and delay analysis in video streaming over blockfading channels“, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Commun. (ICC), 9-13 June 2013, Budapest (Hungary).
  18. G. Cocco, C. Ibars and N. Alagha, “Cooperative coverage extension in heterogeneous machine-tomachine networks“, IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Workshops, 3-7 Dec. 2012, Anheim (California, U.S.A.).
  19. G. Cocco and C. Ibars, “On the feasibility of satellite M2M systems“, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Int’l Commun. Satellite Syst. Conf. (ICSSC), 24-27 Sep. 2012, Ottawa (Canada).
  20. G. Cocco, N. Alagha, C. Ibars and S. Cioni, “Practical issues in multi-user physical layer network coding“, IEEE Advanced Satellite Mobile Syst. conf. (ASMS), 5-7 Sept. 2012, Baiona (Spain).
  21. G. Cocco, N. Alagha and C. Ibars, “Network-coded cooperative extension of link level FEC in DVB-SH“, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Int’l Comm. Satellite Syst. Conf. (ICSSC), 28 Nov.-1 Dec. 2011, Nara (Japan).
  22. G. Cocco, D. Gündüz, C. Ibars, “Real-time broadcasting over block-fading channels“, IEEE Int’l Symp. on Wireless Comm. Syst. (ISWCS), 6-9 Nov. 2011, Aachen (Germany).
  23. G. Cocco, D. Gündüz and C. Ibars, “Throughput analysis in asymmetric two-way relay channel with random access“, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Comm. (ICC), 5-9 June 2011, Kyoto (Japan).
  24. G. Cocco, C. Ibars, D. Gündüz and O. d. R. Herrero, “Collision resolution in multiple access networks with physical-layer network coding and distributed fountain coding“, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 22-27 May 2011, Praga (Czech Republic).
  25. G. Cocco, C. Ibars, D. Gündüz and O. d. R. Herrero, “Collision resolution in slotted ALOHA with multi-user physical-layer network coding“, IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC-Spring), 15-18 May 2011, Budapest (Hungary).
  26. G. Cocco, C. Ibars and O. d. R. Herrero, “Cooperative satellite to land mobile gap-filler-less interactive system architecture“, IEEE Advanced Satellite Mobile Syst. Conf. (ASMS), 13-15 Sep. 2010, Cagliari (Italy).
  27. G. Cocco, C. Ibars and M. Luise, “Fair cooperation protocol for wireless mesh networks based on time-space volumes”, ICT Mobile and Wireless Commun. Summit (ICT-Mobile Summit), 10-12 June 2008, Stockholm (Sweden).

Books and book chapters

  • M. Berioli, G. Cocco, G. Liva and A. Munari, “Modern random access protocols“, NOW Publisher, Foundations and Trends® in Networking, Vol. 10, No. 4, Editors: Mike Casey and Anthony Ephremides, Nov. 2016.
  • G. Cocco, N. Alagha and C. Ibars, “Cooperative coverage extension in land mobile satellite networks”, book chapter in Cooperative and Cognitive Satellite Systems, 1st Edition, Chapter VI, Elsevier Publisher, Editors: S. Chatzinotas, B. Ottersten and R. De Gaudenzi, pp.195-216, May 2015.